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School-Based Health Program


School-Based Health Program

Southeast Mississippi Rural Health Initiative, Inc., in partnership with the Covington County School District, Forrest County School District, Forrest County Agricultural High School, Hattiesburg Public School District, Lamar County School District, Perry County School District, and Petal School District, provides a School-Based Health Program to ensure all students have access to quality healthcare at no cost to parents.

Click here to sign up for the School-Based Health Program

How It Works

Parents complete a medical history form at registration. After the completed forms are returned to your child’s school, wellness screenings will be scheduled by the school and your local family health center. The medical history form can also be completed online on this webpage. After you complete the form online, it will automatically be sent to your local family health center.

If your child has Private Insurance, Medicaid, or CHIP, we will file for the services provided. However, you will NOT be charged for any balances not paid by the insurance company.

Any problems that may be detected during the wellness screenings and exams will be shared with you by telephone and/or by a letter from the medical provider.

Medical Screenings & Lab Tests

With an emphasis on preventive healthcare, children receive head-to-toe physical assessments, body mass index screenings (height and weight), blood pressure screenings, vision and hearing screenings, developmental and behavioral health screenings, and labs.

Sick Visits

Children can also be treated for acute illnesses such as cold, flu, and chronic conditions, including asthma and diabetes.


Additionally, we also offer immunizations at our local family health centers. Children who are signed up for the School-Based Health Program can receive immunizations at no cost to parents.

After-Hours & Weekends

Your children may also visit our Minor Care Clinic after-hours and on weekends at no cost to parents. The Minor Care Clinic is open from 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. every day and is located at 123 South 27th Avenue, Hattiesburg, MS, 39401 (Adjacent to Shoney’s Restaurant).

Click here to sign up for the School-Based Health Program

Hattiesburg Public School District
Keisha Knight
Mae Ramsey
Kimberly Price
Amanda McCallum
Forrest County School District
Susan Gentry
Jennifer Summers
Lamar County School District
Robin Murphree
Samantha Givens
Perry County School District
Charlene Hicks
April Hinton
Petal School District
Ronda Eason-Hinton
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